Tweedy Dan

I finished knitting this sweater exactly one year after adding the pattern in my favorites on Ravlery on 27/03/2013. 🙂

I started working on it in December last year and after finishing the body and half the cuffs, I just let it sit for a while before I could bring myself to finish the simple stockinette sleeves and sew everything together.

I loved the pattern as soon as I saw it, and it was free at that time! I was a bit afraid of all that cabling, but somehow everything went so well, after a couple of repeats I didn’t need to look at the instructions anymore. I just made a note of all the rows where I needed to do increases, decreases,  center cable left/right, etc.

Some reviews on Ravelry say the pattern is confusing and it could be so if you’re an absolute beginner. I did find it confusing at times, but not so that I couldn’t improvise and trust my “advanced beginner” intuition to sort thing out. The cabling is pretty straight forward, what I thought it’s not clear is whether the increase/decrease rows are included in the repeats. I can live with the decision I made – to add the decrease in the 5th row.

UntitledI’m happy with the result, here’s my giraffe pose to prove it 😀

2 thoughts on “Tweedy Dan

    • Thank you, Rosy! I’m really proud of it myself, it’s my best knit work yet. And receiving compliments from such a great knitter as you are feels wonderful 🙂


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